Travel Guard

Individual Trip Insurance

Vacations should mean leaving your worries behind. Unfortunately, life isn’t that kind and unforeseen issues can arise. A sudden illness of a traveling companion or family member back home, a worldwide pandemic, a natural disaster, inhospitable weather, or unfriendly political situations can alter your plans and all the money paid for a vacation is gone. Travel Guard protects you and provides peace of mind.

Several plans are available and customizable to meet your needs. Comprehensive policies include coverage for the cost of trip cancellation or interruption, coverage for missed connections, trip delays, lost or delayed baggage, and medical coverage.

Policies may also include coverage for travel inconveniences such as closed attractions, transportation delays, rental vehicle breakdown, and transportation diversions. Upgrades that will cover cancellation for any reason, rental car damage, pet care, adventure sports coverage, security evacuation, and wedding cancelation are available.

Specialized policies are available, including medical for those needing medical coverage (Medicare does not cover you outside the US). And for frequent travelers, a more basic annual policy is available.

Coverage for pre-existing medical conditions is excluded unless you purchase coverage within 15 days of your initial trip payment. Coverage for losses due to COVID-19 are not covered as these losses are not considered an “unforeseen event”.

Travel Guard Insurance

Coverage is purchased on a per-trip basis. Rates are based on several factors including the age of the traveler, the cost of the trip, the length of the trip, and coverage options desired.

For more information please visit: Travel Guard Insurance