Dental HMO by Cigna

Large Nationwide Network of Providers!

The Cigna HMO dental plan has comprehensive coverage for 380+ procedures, from routine preventative to major, including crowns, dentures, extractions, and implants, all at extremely low copays.

There is no calendar year maximum dollar benefit. There is no waiting period for any covered service. And there are no surprises as the copays for every covered procedure are listed in your Certificate of Insurance. Your dentist may never charge more than this copay. Also, many Cigna providers extend discounts on non-covered procedures, such as teeth whitening.

Whether it’s a cleaning or an implant, all services are available to the enrollee on day one. There is no waiting period for any covered service.

Cigna has a nationwide network of highly qualified dentists and specialists that have been pre-screened and thoroughly evaluated prior to their acceptance. As with all HMO plans, you must select a dentist from the Cigna network. However, you may change dentists at any time by calling Cigna.

For a list of providers, please visit: and select:

  1. Enter your zip and click on Doctor by Type (Dentist)
  2. Select Guest (Login or Guest)
  3. Continue
  4. Select Cigna Dental Care Access

Coverage is available for the member, and you may also insure your spouse/domestic partner, and/or your dependent children up to age 26. Children age 26 and older are eligible if they are permanently disabled and the member lists them as a dependent on their tax return. Grandchildren are only eligible if you have full legal custody.

Member Copays for Common Dental Procedures

With 380+ covered dental procedures, it would be too numerous to list them all. The following list is of the most common procedures covered by this plan and the member copay. A listing of all covered procedures will be mailed to you prior to your coverage becoming effective.

Procedure Type Member Copay
Oral Exam and Cleaning $0
X-Ray $0
Resin Filling $0
Root Canal (Anterior) $30
Extraction of Erupted Tooth $0
Periodontal Maintenance $15
Scaling and Root Planing $15
Porcelain Crown $50
Porcelain Inlay / Onlay $50
Post & Core $25
Denture (Bridge) $100
Denture Repair $10
Anesthesia $0
Post & Core $25
Surgical Placement of Transosteal Implant $850
Gingivectomy $35
Bone Graft $135
Tissue Graft $60
Removal of Lesion or Cyst and Biopsy $0
Abutment $355
Desensitizing Medication $15
Note: Procedure Type has been modified into “plain English” and multiple procedures grouped under a single procedure type. Your specific procedure may have a different copay than the one listed above.